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Entrevista da revista Época - Bruno Souza

ÉPOCA - How did you play sports?

BRUNO - I actually started playing volleyball, the influence of my father, Joao Luiz Gomes de Souza, who was the Brazilian team. But he wanted to escape the pressure of having to be as good as him. I wanted to be myself. It was there that, in physical education classes, did the handball. I discovered it was not me who discovered the sport. I always wanted to be an athlete and I started playing 13 years, until a little later, since in Germany the players start at 7 years. But is he wanted to see which mode I liked more, because I liked everything, played everything and I went wrong. After deciding to handball, I moved from college to Niterói Rugby Club, a very traditional place in Niteroi. All we helped, we sell raffle tickets to travel and participate in championships. Then I went to the Methodist, St. Paul, where he also took Therapy. When I finished, I return to Rio, I got to hit with Vasco but never went there. It was the time the World Cup in Egypt, played very well, and the director of Mercedes-Benz, which was looking for talent, he saw me. He immediately asked me to know the time he ran, the Frisch-Auf, the city of Göppingen. That championship was the 3rd leading scorer with an average of eight goals. The games went live in Germany. I'm there for six years

ÉPOCA - What are the differences of playing in Germany?

BRUNO - There is a big difference in attitude, how the owners stand. There the game is harder, have to put an armor and go up. You must be very well physically. 1.92 m and I am one of the lowest team. At least four players in the Frisch-Auf have more than two meters. In the German the game is fast, one of the fastest in the world with a difficult encounter in the 'one against one'. It is different from the Brazilian player who has speed, but needs to explore the fundamentals of the game and use well the explosion.

ÉPOCA - Brazil does not have the slightest tradition in handball. As there was a strange country and having to prove it was crack?

BRUNO - At first, everything was different. He had an apartment, car and all the benefits, but did not say anything in German, or 'hi'. I tried to turn into English, and not hid. The Germans are colder, but after the first contact, saw good friends. Over time, I adjusted to the routine, I German course and was soon surrounded by nice people. At the same time, concentrate, I gave myself the handball, grew up and turned professional athlete.

ÉPOCA - You think about going back someday?

BRUNO - To live is. To play, no. The structure is such that the German back to Brazil now would regress. There I could make. I have a contract in Germany until 2008. Then do not know. If you follow examples of German and Swedish, he would play through 36 years. But I live my moments with nothing planned. In Europe I learned about organization and discipline, but still being spontaneous. I have already received four offers from other teams to leave, but the Frisch-Auf always covered. I have great affection for the club. Training every day, on average five hours of pre-season. The team came second division, was established at first in 2001 and this year is among the top eight teams in 18 major league.

ÉPOCA - How much for the handball match in Brazil to the major teams in the world?

BRUNO - Technically, we are near them. But most lack the organization, exchange of players ... The Brazilian player has to take a more international matches! After winning the gold in Pan 2003, in Santo Domingo, the presentation at the Athens Olympics the following year, was a little disappointing (Brazil is in tenth place). Compare the visibility and structure that sports like volleyball and soccer win in the country, and I wonder why the handball not benefit it. Would have everything to work. We live the reality of high-level handball, with analysis of moves, for example.

ÉPOCA - What was the worst moment of your career?

BRUNO - was in the 1999 Pan American Games in Winnipeg. We lost the pan and not have qualified for the Olympics in Sydney, Australia. At that time, I tried to think we could improve for the Pan American Games Santo Domingo in 2003. Me was always like this: when it was lost when more trained. SEASON - The best memory? Souza - Do Pan 2003, no doubt. There were 10 seconds, the game was tied and made the winning goal. People were screaming my name, it was exciting. I have reviewed the images from that moment on video a thousand times.

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